03 January 2009

10 Items Or Less (2006)

10 Items Or Less is an independent movie directed by Brad Silberling.  It stars Morgan Freeman and Paz Vega.  It has some humor and not much drama.  It's not one of the greatest movies ever made, but for what it is, it is a nice independent movie.  It was shot in only 15 days and it stars Freeman as "Himself".  He is dropped off by Jonah Hill, who can't go a minute in a movie without saying blowjob, manages to be in this movie for just a minute and gets to say blowjob.  Bonus points for getting Morgan to say it too though.  The movie has nothing to do with blowjobs though.  It is actually a movie about Freeman not shooting any movies for 4 years and gets dropped of at a market to perform research for his next role.  There he meets Paz Vega (Spanglish) and they hit it off and get to know each other throughout the film.  He wants to help her get off her feet, to stop settling with the job she has, with the man she has, he wants to show her that she can do what she wants.  She just has to learn how to act that way. Freeman enjoys talking to her as he sees a reflection of himself in her.

It's a nice little indie-movie.  If the actor was anyone else it may not be as cool.  It has the feel of a reality show, dropping off a celebrity at some random place and then getting to know who is there.  Networks, come on, I got a hot idea here!

And speaking of ideas, Freeman had a great one with this movie.  The movie became the first film to premiere in theatres and then be able to be downloaded only two weeks after.  It was put on Clickstar, a site Freeman founded.  I'm not sure what is going on with the site right now, but it appears they have a deal with Intel to make it a larger venture, but it seems like a good idea to me.  

Here's the trailer:

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